2003 Senior's Christmas Party

      On December 7th, we held our annual Senior's Christmas Party. Herk and Jean Plourde have chaired this for almost 30 years. Jean and her elves put in a lot of hours cooking and preparing the food. They make cookies, candies, salads, beans, punch, coffee, tea and trays of sliced meat. This year, we were greeted Sunday morning with the worst pile of snow and wind of the year. That didn't stop too many people though. We had 117 seniors come to the party. Santa and Mrs. Claus were there to help pass out a pile of $25 checks that are used as door prizes. Music was provided by ESP, that's (Mark) Emerson, (Scott) Somers and (Wally) Paul. As usual they were well received, I don't know who enjoys the sing-a-long more, the seniors or ESP?  It doesn't matter, everybody has a good time. This project is a lot of work, especially for the ladies in the kitchen, but is also a lot of fun and a very heart warming time. Some of the people that come will see each other this one time in a year. I hope you like the pictures I took.  

on to the pictures